I’ve Been Sexually Assaulted/Abused In The Past
If you have experienced a past sexual assault or if you have survived childhood sexual abuse, there are services available for you at the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre.
Our counselling and victim services programs are available to women and [trans] survivors 13 years and older. We offer a wide range of group and individual counselling as well as support navigating the legal system.
To connect with services, please call our access line 250-383-3232 during business hours (Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm) or email us at .
“Thank you for helping me help myself. Thanks to you I have discovered strengths I did not know I possessed.”
VSAC Client
Impact of Sexualized Violence
Experiencing any form of sexualized violence can have a lasting impact on someone’s life. To learn more about the potential long-term effects of sexualized violence, read on here.
Healing is a Journey
At the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre our belief is that healing is possible. There are many paths to healing with different stages along the way. These links can provide you with more information about what healing can look like and how you can get there. Ultimately, we encourage everyone to do what works best for them. Remember you are in charge of your own healing process.