Host a Third Party Fundraiser

Looking for a creative way to get involved and to raise funds and awareness about sexualized violence?  Consider holding a Third Party fundraiser, an independent event, program, or initiative organized by community members, groups, or organizations with proceeds going towards our Centre.

Have an idea?  Let us know and we will help you get the word out.  All events benefiting the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre must be approved before they are promoted to the public.  Have a look at our Third Party Special Events Application (PDF).

The Victoria Sexual Assault Centre is grateful for the community partners who put on third party fundraisers to support our work in healing, education, and prevention of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse.


  • House party/dinner
  • Benefit concert
  • Quiz night
  • Karaoke party
  • Garage sale
  • Movie screening
  • Dance party
  • Clothing exchange
  • Unfashion show
  • Info tables at local businesses